Entry #2

          Originally, we were going to be working on a Full scale switching mechanism as worked on by a group last year. We went through the old project extensively. After evaluating the project, we went through the bundles of wire and did our best to track down what was going on. We instituted the help of a multi-meter, and from there we were able to track down live/dead wires. After about an hour of tracking things down and flipping switches we were unable to get get power to the bogie.

          Furthermore, in courtroom 2, there lies a full scale track piece. The backstory goes, there used to be a massive near full scale track, but Superway lost the building space, and so pieces of the track were cut down and spread throughout the building. The track piece is very dilapidated will the steel structures showing lots of surface rust. To our knowledge the previous group was never able to get their project working.


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Entry #3 - (09/11/2019)
