
Showing posts from February, 2020


Today we had a meeting with Dr. Furman, Mr. Ron and Eric to discuss our plan to finish our project by Spring break. We provided a PowerPoint explaining our plan for our project. Our plan is to have everything done by Spring break, and after we will test the bogie on the track. After our meeting, we came up with ideas about the switching mechanisms. Neeraj and Nina will be working towards designing these switches. We will provide our switches mechanism design in our first presentation.


We needed spaces for the straight track, so from the wood pieces provided by Ron, we tried to measure and cut 16mm spaces for the straight track. For the large wood piece, we are required to use the new table saw. We will continue to use the table saw to cut the large pieces for our spacers.

Spring 2020 - First Day - 01/29/2020

First day of Senior Project in Spring 2020. Today we present our project with its update. Track and Bogies are in the same condition as last semester, but we have a new design for the upright.