
Showing posts from November, 2019

Presentation #3

Linked is our slides for viewing. Presentation #3

Entry #12 (11/13/2019)

Today our team was working on the track in the assigned court-room that is our primary location for our Senior Year Project. Neeraj was finishing the 3D design for uprights, and he started making his upright design out of wood. Nina was adding the extra holes needed for the water jetted wood piece, because we find out that we need more holes on our wooden part after we water jetted the piece. Johnathon was helping Nina and Neeraj for fabricating, and helping to finish the assigned work for that day.

Entry #11 - (11/06/2019)

Today was the Podcar City event and all the Spartan Superway teams had to meet at the events. As Dr. Furman requested, all teams presented at the event, but only one of the team members was presenting the project to the audience. Our team enjoyed the Podcar City event and all the presentations, since they all these presentations introduced piece of technology that we can use as an example to solve our issues and difficulty in Spartan Superway - 10m Track (Full Scale) team.

Entry #10 - (10/30/2019)

On October 30th, 2019 our team meet with Mr. Bill James . For the first half of the class time, we review our project, then we shared our team's project process with Mr. Bill, Dr. Furman and Mr. Ron and they gave us their output. For the second half of the class time, all teams meet with Dr. Furman to get update and information about Podcar City event that is taking the place on October 6th, 2019. We find out that Spartan Superway has been invited to that event, and all teams have to present their project on behalf of the SJSU-Spartan Superway.